All the clubs that took part in the project share this fundamental desire to be a group and show themselves to be such. Whether it is a group of friends, a social group or a family, the focus is always on the people, because they were, are and will always be the key to the club: club or team spirit, many hours shared, people with other people.
Young people and veterans. Mothers, fathers, supporters. Diverse people in terms of abilities, bodies, experience and points of view. A club is also a place where different ways of life and concerns converge. The people learning the sport, the academy, and those who are already professionals work together. The people who manage and run the club work together with educators and trainers. The vast majority of them are volunteers, and only a minority are paid.
Faced with this diversity, through initiative and action, mutual links are forged. Bodies rubbing up against each other, shared emotions, mutual care and protection, relations of trust. And all these factors act as a glue, holding the team together. The act of giving and receiving, transmission, a contagious adherence: a series of links, as the objective and need of every club.
Over the years, clubs live on in the material and immaterial symbols of the preservation of a history: trophies, champion’s txapela berets, prizes or a building.

From milestone to milestone, from change to change, clubs move forwards, because sporting practice itself dictates this: the urge to get better, commitment, effort, discipline. Mud and sand, as a symbol of the “game”. Perhaps to this inertia, clubs tend to be more united than ever in times of crisis, and manage to get over them. Even in clubs with a long tradition, their aim is still to get better and to achieve stability.